
Posts Tagged ‘Bedroom’

Mother Gooserest

In Uncategorized on November 7, 2010 at 10:34 pm

I found this photo while I was browsing through, as I do daily–not because I love their new page changes, but because I remember when they used to have real news on their page. (I still find myself wading through the garbage they post to see if I can find some hard information on anything that matters.) This is a photo of a wall decal some real person put up in their house. It struck me as a good metaphor for the life of the current generation. You’re surrounded by nonsense and you know it–even embrace it, but soon you stop paying attention. You believe it fades into the background, paved over by more important and pressing matters. After all, it’s harmless. Yet, surreptitiously, the nonsense seeps into your subconscious. Before you know it, you are slipping words like “Mother Gooserest” (check the photo, it’s really on there) into casual conversation. Then you are exposed; you are lost. And you never even saw it coming. Fight the nonsense people. It’s more deadly than we think.

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